India’s pink warrior women dubbed pink vigilante gangs

December 15, 2007

In a country where poverty, discrimination and violence are rife, the Gulabi gang have been described as pink renegades and even “pink sororities”, as they don their bright pink saris to wage their battle for justice for women and the poor.  This inspiring group of women aren’t man hating feminazis seeking to usurp men, rather they are seeking equality and harmony.

When the pink ladies wage their campaign for justice, nobody is off limits  including corrupt officials and oppressive men.  They are the pink warriors who are trying to free Indian women and the downcast from the shackles that bind them.

They are standing up for the rights of women in a mysoginistic culture which is inherently hierarchical and caste ridden.  The pink gulabi gang (aka ‘pink gang’) doesn’t align themselves with any political or other organisation to avoid the expectation of kickbacks which are so prevalent in Indian society.

Their philosophy is an inclusive one, and indeed men have joined them in their many causes which include  child marriages, dowrys, the depletion of water resources and the government defalcationof funds in major works.

2 Responses to “India’s pink warrior women dubbed pink vigilante gangs”

  1. Guess who just brightened up my day? 🙂 Thanks a lot!

  2. […] space is also an option, with tactics around the world offering inspiration. In India, so-called Pink Gangs are taking to the streets in numbers, literally reclaiming them for the safe usage of women. Armed […]

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